The preparation for JEE while attending school is often considered as a challenge but it is achievable with strategic planning. 

Below are some strategies that will assist a candidate to manage time well in order to excel in the JEE tests while performing well in school.

1. Create a Balanced Schedule

The first aspect that can be taken for handling both JEE coaching as well as school studies is the balancing of time allocation. Schedule your school time – attending coaching classes, when you are free, how much time you devote to study, homework and rest. If planned in advance, it helps in avoiding a situation whereby a learner feels that they are overwhelmed by the subjects that they are expected to cover.

Actionable Tip

The planner or the digital calendar should be used to schedule each activity to different time slots. Be rigid with the schedule and make it a point to check on it at least once a week to make some changes if necessary.

2. Prioritise Your Tasks

When one is involved in a number of activities, proper scheduling of those activities is essential. Determine which tasks are urgent and require more attention in order to avoid pile up. This way, you can complete high-priority subjects and assignments before moving to the less important ones or run the risk of missing important deadlines.

Actionable Tip

Each morning, jot down three goals that you consider to be the most important on that day. These tasks should be accomplished during the prime times within the day to ensure productivity.

3. Integrate Study Materials

In most cases, syllabus for school and JEE have similar contents. Learn how to combine your materials in a way that saves your time and strengthens the understanding of materials studied. When solving problems for JEE, try to do it with your school textbooks as much as possible and then reread the similar problems from the notes of your coaching class for better understanding.

Actionable Tip:

Make a chart to determine areas of correlation between the two syllabi in terms of issues presented. The following areas should be stressed while you are studying those subjects simultaneously.

4. Stay Healthy

These are situations under which health impacts greatly on one’s performance in class or school. See that you take enough rest, take a balanced diet and ensure that you are as active as possible. If the body is in good health then it is easier to concentrate and recall information hence improving on the grades of the candidate.

Actionable Tip:

Try to integrate mini workouts into your day. Little exercise such as walking, stretching or even doing yoga exercises will certainly do you a lot of good.

6. Stay Motivated and Positive

This is very important because, in the process of achieving the set goals, a positive attitude as well as motivation is very essential. Have obtainable goals and encourage yourself for little accomplishments or speak to yourself. Family and friends who are close to you more often should be the encouraging ones and those who motivate you.

Actionable Tip:

Ensure that you make a vision board that will help you make aims for the future. It should be placed in an area where you perform your study most of the time to help motivate you or remind you of your goal.


Take on board these tips and do the best you can regarding your academic years. It seems you have work and school too, so all the best to you for JEE preparation and school work.

For more golden information, enrol in the best coaching institute for iit jee preparation in hyderabad today.

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